waves fin

jordan/fish | he/they | 24


Hello. My name is Fish, or Jordan. I use both interchangeably. I'm a digital artist who mostly creates fan content.

  • Metalocalypse

  • The Kane Chronicles

  • Dragon Age

  • Fallout: New Vegas

I really like tardigrades.

I'm a guy. I don't feel like divulging further.

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 8. I don't feel comfortable sharing more about my mental health beyond that. Please respect this.

I'm mixed race (Korean/white), but white-passing. If you're white, I really don't want to hear your opinions on the nuances of being mixed race.

The reason why I said "Korean/white" and not "Korean/[specific country]" is because I grew up without a connection to my European ancestry.

I've been in fandoms for way too long, so I have a lot of preferences.

TL;DR for my byf/dni page: unless you're outright rude/toxic to other people, we'll get along fine.

I drink vinegar and I hate bananas.

Art Info

I use Paint Tool Sai 2 for almost all of my art.

It's almost identical to other versions of Sai, but it contains a few more features (still not as complex as CSP or PS)

I occasionally use CSP for effects I can't achieve in PTS2, and I'm experimenting with using 3D assets.

I use a Cintiq

My process is:

  • storyboard/thumbnail/silhouette

  • base sketch (anatomy/base structure)

  • finalized sketch

  • ink

  • base colors

  • slap multiply layer over whole dang thing

  • use eraser on multiply layer to carve out the highlights

  • additional filters/blurring effects

  • dump onto the internet

I first started drawing when I was 9 (after picking up a copy of Christopher Hart's, "Kids Draw Manga Fantasy", but I didn't start drawing on a frequent basis until I was 12/13.

I'm self taught.

I don't know how to do traditional art.

Digital is my only medium.



  • Please tag any posts containing eye trauma. By this I mean descriptions or images of eyeballs getting damaged or destroyed. In MTL terms, Magnus getting his face punched in until he's blinded in one eye is fine, but Knubbler's submarine scene is not.

  • Please tag cockroaches too.

  • My MTL blog contains a lot of content for the following characters: Magnus, Seth, Amber, Melmord, Blues Devil and I mainly ship Magnus/Charles.

  • If you actively hate any of these characters/ships (and I don't mean "eh, they're not my taste" or "you can post about them, but i'm not going to interact", but like "i hate this character/ship and i want you to know that" or "this character/ship is triggering to me"), then I recommend giving this blog a pass. I try to tag what I can, but a majority of my content is for these subjects, so it would be better for both of us.

  • There aren't any MTL ships/characters (that are common in the fandom) that I need tagged.

  • I'm neutral towards most ships, but neutral doesn't mean I don't like them. It just means my brain is picky in what it choses to latch on to, but I'm always happy to support fandom content, and usually a Good Take is all I need to go from "neutral" to "okay, I get it."

  • I am very picky with who I give my Discord to.

  • I don't feel comfortable DMing unless we've made some kind of public online reaction prior.

  • If I take a long time to respond to something, it's not personal. I just suck.

  • This is going to sound harsh, but please don't vent to me in the DMs. I am not qualified to help you and it's a drain on my mental health.


  • You know the drill. Racists, homophobes, biphobes, transphobes, TERFs, queerphobes, SWERFs, pedophiles: gtfo.

  • If you're offended by people making lgbt headcanons (not badly done headcanons, just...lgbt headcanons in general). Come on, it's not that deep.

  • If you're made uncomfortable or angry by the content I draw or write about (characters, ships, etc). It's for your own good, because you won't change my mind.

  • If you're just going to make fun of/insult me or my friends behind our backs. Don't hate-follow me. It's getting really old.